White out January 11th 2025
Ler-ENSU-Ler Carbon Cub LN BER 25052023
Short take off - long wheel landing Carbon Cub LN BER 21042024
Flight from ENKB with Carbon Cub LN BER
Easter 2023 Carbon Cub LN BER
Carbon Cub LN BER - Nice winterweather 17 mars 2023
Bungee cord unhooking the ski.
Carbon Cub LN BER and friends 29082021
From Ler to Tynset and Oppdal with LN BER, LN YLD and LN LFG 28082021
Very gusty flight with 40 kt wind above 1500 ft 07012022
Carbon Cub LN BER on skiis for the first time desember 2021
Carbon Cub LN FLY 29022020